An Idaho teacher, Sarah Inama, is defying her school district’s orders to remove classroom signs, one of which reads, “Everyone is welcome here,” in order to maintain a positive learning environment. The signs were initially put up to ensure students felt welcome and safe in her classroom. When asked to remove them due to being controversial and not content-neutral, Inama refused to comply, arguing that the message promotes inclusivity, not politics.
Despite pressure and warnings of insubordination from her principal, Inama rehung the signs after briefly taking them down. A meeting with district officials resulted in a proposal to purchase alternative signs with different messages. However, Inama defended her current signs, citing district policy on learning aids which she believes should allow motivational posters like hers.
The district ultimately ruled that the signs must be removed, citing policy violations. Inama, determined to stand by her principles, refuses to take them down even at the risk of losing her job. She believes her job is not her entire identity and vows to prioritize her students’ well-being. She has received support from teachers across the district and other states, reinforcing her decision to fight for what she believes is right. Despite the district’s decision, Inama remains steadfast in her commitment to her students and the values represented by the signs in her classroom.